
Our building is handicapped accessible with elevator access from the lower level. We also have worship aids available upon request including large print bulletins, large print Bibles, and assistive hearing devices. 

We worship Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 p.m. 

Each Sunday worship service follows a set order (liturgy) that includes: confession and forgiveness, prayers, hymns, scripture readings, sermon, children's sermon, collection of an offering, and Holy Communion.  We provide a red worship book that provides everything needed for worship, and a half bulletin with page numbers so you can easily follow along and participate. 

The third Sunday of each month the service music is more contemporary with guitar, drums, and piano.  

Holy Communion: Lutherans believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine of Holy Communion. We welcome all baptized persons to receive Communion when worshiping with us, or you may come forward for a blessing instead. Simply indicate this to our pastor by bowing your head and keeping your hands below the Communion rail.  
During Communion white wine and red grape juice are offered. Gluten free wafers are available upon request. 

Children and Youth in Worship

Children are welcome in worship! The presence of children in worship is a gift to the Church. 

Worship bags for children and teens are available on the name tag cart located at the church  entrance. Worship bags contain toys and activities to enjoy during the worship service.

We also have a staffed nursery for infants through kindergarten aged. Nursery time includes hearing a Bible story,  a short lesson / activity on the story, prayer,  as well as snack and play time.  For children from 1st through 6th grade we have Sunday School during worship where there is prayer and a lesson based on one of  the scripture readings for the day followed by snacks and activities. Children not already present in worship are invited back into the sanctuary for Holy Communion.